sobota, 3 grudnia 2011

Another fair:)

I've participated in a Christmas Fair, in a Royal High Primary Edinburgh. It was one of a few fairs I've been to recently. It was very busy, I just even didn't have time for a chat with Ania who was there too.
I made loads of glass magnets that were selling really well. I also made some last minute glass brooches yesterday and they were actually my bestsellers! I sold them all:)
I'm looking forward to another event there (probably not until summer tho). Next time I'll put some pictures of new glass magnets (some that sold were not lucky enough to be photographed) and maybe some new glass brooches (providing I make them).

piątek, 23 września 2011

Glass Magnets Again / Znow szklane magnesy

Just as I promised I'd like to show you some new glass magnets I made recently. They look much nicer in reality:)
You can see these and my other pictures on my facebook page. Ypou don't need to be registered in order to visit my page:)
And just a reminder about tomorrows fair at Broughton High School:) Hope to see u there:)

czwartek, 22 września 2011

Busy like a bee:)

Thanks for remembering about me, in spite of my recent absenec. As another fair is aproaching, I've been trying to make some new things... As usual I had many plans and not all got realised. Yesterday and this evening I've been making some new glass magnets. Hope I'll show them to you tomorrow.
Please, forgive me for not adding a Polish version of my posts (it's a sheer lazinesss I'm afraid and kind of a bad mood too;().
As I said I've been quite busy recently and Thursdays are dedicated to my Swedish Massage Course, that started a week ago. I already love it:)
Hope you're all great and thanks for all your visits and comments! I do visit ur blogs too, not always leave comments.
Good nite!

wtorek, 20 września 2011

Little ones:) Maluszki

I recently made some new salt dough angels - very little ones:) They'll go with me to Septemberfest If you live in Edinburgh, feel free to come:)

This Saturday from 11 to 4p.m.

poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2011

I've abandoned my blog for a while as the time is not good for me now. In the meantime a lot of things happened. There's no use to mention the bad ones, so I'll show you all the recent and more past good stuff.

I got an award from Kamarek - thank you very much for it, however I'm not gonna pass it further (pls forgive me for doing this).

What's more I had a great suprise also form Kamarek - have a look at these lovely postcard, bookmark and a calendar! Thank you sooo much!!!

And the last but not least, my swap with SOFIJA. I'd fallen in love with the toy she made for my baby- and I called her The Anteater (I mean the toy, not my baby;)

piątek, 12 sierpnia 2011

Brooch / Broszka

I made a glass brooch today. Soon more glass magnets to come:)
If you wish to see most of my creations in one place, you can view my Facebook gallery.

Dzis powstala taka oto szklana broszka:) Niebawem nowe szklane magnesy.
Jesli chcecie zobaczyc wiekszosc moich prac w jednym miejscu, zapraszam do galerii na Facebook'u.

sobota, 6 sierpnia 2011

Angels' hoose;) Domek dla aniolkow:)

Let me introduce you to my lovely house for Salt Dough creatures:) The display cabinet was hand made by my talented hubby. It's really useful on craft fairs.
Przedstawiam Wam domek dla moich masosolnych cudaczkow. Szafeczka zostala zrobiona przez mojego utalentowanego meza:) Jest bardzo przydatna na kiermaszach.

wtorek, 2 sierpnia 2011

I haven't been here for some time due to some really bad circumstances. Fortunately, things begin slowly to come back to normal.
I made some new button earrings. Among them some unique made with the small pieces of fabric. Once they're gone, they're gone:)
The photos don't show the real brightness of colours, and also the darkest earrings are brown not black in reality.

Dawno mnie tu nie bylo z powodu bardzo niesprzyjajacych okolicznosci. Na szczescie powoli sytuacja sie stabilizuje.
Powstalo ostatnio kilka par kolczykow.
Unikatowe kolczyki ze skrawkow - jedyne w swoim rodzaju - niestety zdjecia nie oddaja kolorow, ktore sa bardzo 'zywe'. Najciemniejsze kolczyki sa w rzeczywistosci brazowe, nie czarne.

And one more new pair and some repeated stuff;)
I jeszcze jedna nowa para i kilka powtorek;)

środa, 15 czerwca 2011


Już niebawem pokażę w końcu coś guziczkowego, a dziś szybko jedno zdjęcie - wynik pięciominutowej zabawy z programem do obróbki zdjęć. Chyba mnie to wciągnie - nie wiedziałam, że jest tu tyle możliwości:)

I'll soon upload some picts of new buttons. Tonight, only one photo - it's the outcome of my short encounter with a nice graphic program. I had no idea you can create so many possibilities for various picture designs:)

piątek, 27 maja 2011

First Birthday / Pierwsze urodziny

My wee girl is celebrating her 1st birthday today. She was welcomed to this world on 27th May 2010 at 17:22:)
For such an occasion, I decided to make a special salt dough thing:)

Moja coreczka obchodzi dzis swoje pierwsze urodziny. Pojawila sie wsrod nas rok temu o godz. 17:22:
Aby uczcic ta okazje, przygotowalam specjalnie cos masosolnego:)

czwartek, 26 maja 2011

Belated results/Spoznione wyniki

Z malym opoznieniem oglaszam, ze 2 osoby 'upolowaly' 4000 na liczniku. Sa to Za-inspirowana i Karolina. Do nich juz niebawem powedruja nagrody - niespodzianki.
Wszystkim bardzo dziekuje za udzial w zabawie i dodam, ze juz niedlugo kolejna rozdawajka:)

A little belated results of my competition. There are 2 lucky ladies who managed to 'catch' 4000 - Karolina and Za-inspirowana. They'll soon receive suprise - prize;)
I'd like to say thank you to all of participants and just to let you know I'll soon organize another giveaway!

sobota, 21 maja 2011

Hope you won't get bored / Mam nadzieje, ze calkiem Was nie zanudze;)

Felt again. This time I present one Lady's order, who wanted to make someone an original birthday gift. I was asked to make a set; necklace (similar to my first felted necklace) bracelet and a pair of earrings. I'm really happy I was given this challenge as again, inspired by a customer, I made sth I'd never made before - a bracelet.
Hope next time I'll finally show u some buttons as I have new ideas in my head:)

Znow filcowe. Tym razem zamowienie pewnej milej Pani, ktora chciala komus sprawic oryginalny prezent urodzinowy. Mial powstac komplet; naszyjnik (na wzor pierwszego filcowego), kolczyki i bransoletka. Bardzo sie ciesze, bo znow za sprawa klientki zmobilizowalam sie do sprobowania czegos nowego, a mianowicie zrobienia bransoletki - czego wczesniej nie robilam i w sumie nie mialam zamiaru robic:)
Milego ogladania!
Nastepnym razem mam nadzieje, ze uda mi sie wreszcie pokazac jakies guziczki, bo mam kilka nowych pomyslow do zrealizowania:)

środa, 18 maja 2011

I znow filc:) Oj wciagnelo mnie to filcowanie. Oto 2 pary kolczykow, w dwoch odcieniach fioletu - te plaskie koraliki mialy byc czescia naszyjnika, ale w ostatniej chwili zmienily swoje przeznaczenie.
Felt again! I got really keen on felting lately. I made 2 pairs of earrings (2 shades of purple) - these felted beads were to be a part of a necklace, but I changed my mind:)

wtorek, 17 maja 2011


Poniewaz moj blogowy licznik odwiedzin wkrotce przekroczy 4000, chcialam oglosic iz osoba, ktora 'upoluje' 4000 i przesle mi print screen'a dostanie ode mnie niespodzianke:) Mam nadzieje, ze znajdzie sie ktos chetny.

As my visitors counter will soon show 4000, I'd like to announce that a person who will 'catch' 4000 and send the print screen to my email, will get a suprise gift from me. Hope someone can be bothered to do so;)

sobota, 14 maja 2011

Kolejne filcowe kuleczki i ukochane koraliki cloisonne:) Niestety nie zdazylam zrobic zdjec w dobrym oswietleniu, wiec pokazuje to co mam.
Another felted balls and cloisonne beads earrings.
Unfortunately, I missed the proper light and the photos are low quality again.

czwartek, 28 kwietnia 2011


Nowy naszyjnik filcowy. Oczywiscie nie moglam sie powstrzymac przed uzyciem mojego ulubionego koloru...
The new felted necklace. I could not resist using some wool in my favourite colour...

sobota, 16 kwietnia 2011

More lambs / Wiecej owieczek

I've done more lambs recently. To make some of them I used this tutorial.
Ostatnio powstalo wiecej owieczek. Kilka z nich wedlug tego tutorialu.

piątek, 15 kwietnia 2011

Zbaranialam :) / Baa Baa black (?) sheep

Today, a few pics of new lambs I've created recently. They still need some finishing touch, but I couldn't resist to make this shot right now:).

Dzis kilka zdjec owieczek, ktore poswtaly ostatnio. Czekaja jeszcze na polakierowanie i przyosdobienie, ale nie moglam sie oprzec zeby zrobic ta sesje juz teraz:)

poniedziałek, 11 kwietnia 2011

Nareszcie skonczony! Eventually finished!

Udalo mi sie nareszcie skonczyc moj pierwszy filcowy naszyjnik. Wlasciwie jest to wogole moj pierwszy naszyjnik i daleko mu do perfekcji. Powstawal bez zadnego wlasciwie planu - chcialam pocwiczyc na nim nawlekanie kulek filcowych, montowanie zapiec etc. Mysle, ze jak na kompletna poczatkujaca w tym temacie, nie poleglam.
Naszyjnik prezentuje na uroczej modelce, ktora zezwolila na umieszczenie tych cudnych zdjec.
Milego ogladania, z checia wyslucham krytycznych uwag i sugestii:)

I finally completed my first felted necklace. Actually, it's my first necklace ever and I have to say, it's far from perfect. I was making it with no plan or project - my main goal was to learn how to bead the felt and attach the clasps. I personally think, that though being a complete beginner in this field, I did not surrender.
I present the necklace with the priceless help of a charming model, who agreed to have these pics published here:)
Enjoy the pics! Your criticism and suggestions are more then welcome.

czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2011


Just one picture of the earrings, made long time ago, but I think I haven't shown them here.
If you were interested in one of my creations, I will happily make them for you - just contact me via email:)
Tylko jedno zdjecie pary kolczykow, ktore powstaly dawno temu ale nie pokazalam ich na blogu.
Jesli ktos mialby ochote zostac posiadaczem jakiegos mojego stwora - prosze o kontakt mailowy.

środa, 6 kwietnia 2011

Wracam do swiata zywych / Back to life:)

Tak sie niefortunnie zlozylo, ze ostatnio stracilam serce do robotek wszelkiego rodzaju. Pierdolki siedzialy zamkniete w szafce i nawet nie chcialo mi sie do nich zagladac, aby nacieszyc oczy... Zdaje sie jednak, ze ten mroczny czas powoli mija i zaczynam znow odczuwac potrzebe tworzenia. Na poczatek zabieram sie za zamowienie, ktore mam do zrealizowania oraz nagrody w moim candy i moze przy okazji powstanie cos nowego.
Dziekuje Wam wszystkim za odwiedziny, cudne komentarze i za udzial w mojej zabawie. Juz mi chodzi po glowie kolejna :)

Unfortunately, I've lost my passion for creating lately. All my craft stuff was tucked in my cupboard and I had no interest in even have a peek at it... Hopefully all that is behind me and I start to feel the need of creating again. I need to process my order, then make the prizes won in candy and maybe I'll make more in the meantime.

I'd like to thank you all for visiting my blog, wonderful comments and once again for taking part in my prize draw:) I'm planning another one soon!

poniedziałek, 4 kwietnia 2011

Wyniki:) / Candy results :)

I would like to apologise to all of you for a bit of a delay. I was eventually able to draw the candy winners today.
I used this time, however I couldn't make a print screen, so I just took a photo with my camera. Sorry for the bad quality - the weather is awful and the lighting was limited.
I can assure that all the draw rules were followed under the strict eyes of the jury. Let me present them first (from the left):
Chcialabym wszystkich przeprosic za opoznienia w losowaniu, w koncu dzis podjelam sie tego zadania. Uzylam stronki, a ze nie udalo mi sie zrobic print screen'a, posluzylam sie zwyklym aparatem cyfrowym.
Losowanie przebiegalo sprawnie, pod uwaznym okiem komisji. A oto jej czlonkowie (od lewej):

The cow/ Krowka
The pig/ Swinka
The turtle/ Zolwik

and the head of jury - The marmot/ Swistak.

As the first have drawn the main prize:)

And the winer is number 8 :

Blogger MozAnna pisze...

It's a wonderful present! Link is on the right bar

15 marca 2011 08:14

As the next there was the followers draw: I counted 25 of you:)

And the winner is number 14:

kamarek pisze...
Boze!!! Nagroda stworzona dla mnie. Jako wielbicielka kotow zapisuje sie podwojnie i na pewno bede obserwowac. Zapraszam rowniez na moje candy.
29 marca 2011 14:30


Please email me with your addresses:)
Have a lovely day!